With backgrounds in architecture and computer science, the practice aims to leverage the intersection of both fields to tackle contemporary and future spatial problems of different scales: From product design through architecture to global urban strategies. The context of present-day architectural projects does not end at the edge of the plot. It reaches beyond and includes but is not limited to the urban situation, society, history, its users, its future or its end of life. Giving all these points the attentiveness they deserve, all while staying economical, is almost impossible with traditional techniques. Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, CAD and BIM are only some tools on the intersection of computation and architecture that can help us keep up with the transformation of our world and finally acknowledge and engage with its complexity. For the longest time, it has been believed that functionality and architecture for all are only attainable with reduction and repetition: forced standardisation. Digitalisation can reduce planning overhead and construction efforts to allow individualised architecture at low costs. While simplicity, modularity and low tech are still design traits we strive for, we want to utilise all available means to design for each Individual, Society and the Environment.
Pascal Reinhardt studied Architecture at the Technical University Berlin and LTH in Sweden with a focus on computational architecture and IT-Systems Engineering at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam. He is interested in developing holistic designs, integrating small details and large-scale concepts within a social context. He believes interdisciplinary approaches combining algorithmic and manual techniques are essential to developing bespoke solutions for today’s complex design problems.
Contact us with questions, ideas or proposals for collaboration at:
➞ hello@studiore.space