
A Self Shading Vault

September 2020 - Januar 2021
Tamnougalt, Morocco

The project emerges from two initial research questions, combining funicular form-finding for compression-only vaults with the effects of self-shading patterns and geometries. The site is the ruins of an old mosque built from mud. While the rooms and the courtyard are reconstructed in the original material, the main addition, the vault, is materialised in a more contemporary way using 3d-printed ceramic tiles. It acts as a sunroof and is optimised to keep the indoor climate pleasant throughout the day. During the development of the project, a strong emphasis was put on realistic prototyping.

Minh Do Quang, Pascal Reinhardt

Axonometry of Project Components


Perspective from Balcony

1:2 Tile Prototype

1:50 Model Inside

1:50 Model Outside